You Are Not Alone !..

First of all, hello to all our readers!

This column of our blog is dedicated to sharing examples of subjects that can shed light on those who have infertility issues. You will get the answer to the question “Do other people have similar issues to my issues?“ ; you will get to learn about positive results that will motivate you and you will never be discouraged again.

We will be glad to help you as Chip Baby Family. In this column we will share not only the problems but also the happy news.

Let's start by sharing with you the treatment experience of our patient :

By the time our patients approached us, they had already been through long treatment processes and their problems had not been determined yet. During the couple’s last in vitro fertilisation treatment, a DNA damage in the sperm cell was detected. During the over 35 years old couple’s 3rd in vitro fertilisation trial, the embryo genetic screening came out negative and consequently they couldn’t proceed with the transfer. Our patients then heard of the Chip Baby method and researched it via internet. For their 4th in vitro fertilisation method, the couple informed their medical doctor that they would like to use the microchip-based in vitro fertilisation method. However, after carrying out several tests there was no sign of morphological disorder or issues with the sperm cell count and therefore, the doctor decided that there was no need for the microchip method. Then, they proceeded with the normal treatment process and sent the embryos for genetic screening. Unfortunately, the results came out as negative and after a detailed evaluation of the test results, they noticed that there was DNA damage in the patient’s sperm cells. Following this result, the patients contacted us and asked the following questions: “What is the role of the Microchip?“, “What is the contribution of such a method in the treatment?“. We explained to our patients that the greatest benefit of the microchip is that sperms with the least DNA damage are selected and therefore it increases the chances of becoming pregnant. The patients replied to us that they actually knew about all these and that’s why they wanted to use the microchip method. Also they wondered why the method wasn’t applied for them and why they were told that it was not necessary for them.

To answer their questions, we told them that the medical center where they received treatment was not among the centers where the microchip method was applied. Our patient then asked us about the medical centers where the microchip method is applied and added that they would like to have their next treatment using this method.  Then, we provided them with a list of centers in their home city where the method is applied and they said that they would choose one of the centers and start their treatment. We believe that we will receive the happy news from our patients very soon.

At the end of our sharing, we are conviced that the following proverb is true indeed :

“A bad workman always blames his tools.“

Technology brings success to the right user and hope for people.

Bye for now…


Sultan Kandemir

Chip Baby


The Problem of Communication in Chip Baby Treatment Centers

Communication is one of the indispensable neccessities in our life…It is crucial in order to establish an effective and healthy commnication with the patients, to listen to the patients and empathize with them, to tell them the truth in a correct and proper way, and to be tolerant, natural and respectful towards them. The better the communication, the stronger the link between the patient and the medical center. In fact, the patient develops a sense of trust towards the medical center and the treatment team.

My name is Sebahat, I am an experienced health worker who have been through in vitro fertilisation treatments (ICSI) 5 times so far. I have been working at the Chip Baby Brand’s Call Center for the last 3 years. The Koek Biotechnology company produces microfluidic sperm sorting chips that are biotechnological products used in artificial insemination and in vitro fertilisation, providing significant contribution to these treatments. For those who are interested, we provide information about microchip-based in vitro fertilisation and artificial insemination treatments. At the same time, we carefully listen to the problems that the patients or their relatives bring to our attention in order to provide suggestions about what they can do.

We generally receive calls from patients that have been through various and intensive treatment processes. During our conversations, the patients not only want to receive information, but they also talk about their positive and negative experiences during the treatments that they have had in the past.

Our patients mostly complain about the communication issues that they experienced in the medical centers where they received treatment.

Below are the communication issues that our patients share with us the most :

            •          Immediate treatment of patients without a detailed explanation of their clinical status, i.e. their health status;

            •          Lack of adequate and understandable information from the medical centers about their treatment protocols and those to be applied to the patients;

            •          When a treatment isn’t successful and the patients decide not to undergo the same treatment again or to postpone it for some reason, they do not receive the same attention that they received when they first started the treatment;

            •          No information is given about the unsuccessful treatment, or the information (about unsuccessful treatment) is given right into the patient’s face without him or her being firstly prepared for it.

Due to the problems mentioned above, the patients say that they feel lonely, abused and insecure towards the treatments and the medical centers. Even though this is not applicable to all the medical centers, there is clearly a serious problem of communication. These problems shouldn’t be ignored by the medical centers; they should rather acknowledge these problems, come up with precautions and solutions in order to establish a healthy communication which will be benefical for their reputation and will contribute to a better treatment process for the patients. Patients can be sensitive as they go through a confidential and private treatment process. I, as a patient, believe that trying to understand patients, empathising with them and providing emotional support for them, will have a positive effect on the patients’ treatment processes.


Sebahat ŞENER

Chip Baby